
Bible Quiz On Creation

The story of Creation lays the foundation for all that follows in the Bible. With a firm understanding of who we are and how we were formed into existence, we can better understand God's purpose for our lives on this earth.

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Free Online Bible Quiz on Creation

1) What were God's first recorded words in creation?

2) What did God call the expanse which "divided the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse"?

3) On the third day, "God called the dry land ____, and the gathering together of the waters he called ____."

4) On which day did God make the stars?

5) What did God create to "fly above the earth in the open expanse of sky"?

6) Who did God command to "Fill the earth, and subdue it"?

7) On the sixth day, what did God give to mankind for food?

8) How many days of work did it take God to create the heavens and the earth?

9) Who did God create in his image?

10) From what did Yahweh God form the man?

11) From what did Yahweh God make the woman?

12) Where in the Garden of Eden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?

Bible references taken from the World English Bible (WEB), which is in the public domain.

If you enjoyed this Bible quiz on Creation, you may also enjoy watching highlights of Genesis on video in Bible Series, Episode 1.



1) a. "God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." Genesis 1:3 (WEB)

2) b. "God made the expanse, and divided the waters which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so. God called the expanse 'sky'." Some translations use the word "heaven" instead of "sky." Genesis 1:7-8 (WEB)

3) b. "God called the dry land 'earth', and the gathering together of the waters he called 'seas'." Some translations use "land" and "oceans." Genesis 1:10 (WEB)

4) c. "He also made the stars... There was evening and there was morning, a fourth day." Genesis 1:16,19 (WEB)

5) d. "Let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of sky." Some translations use "fowl" or "flying creatures." Genesis 1:20 (WEB)

6) d. "Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it." Genesis 1:28 (WEB). God told all living creatures (land, water, and air animals, and mankind) to "Be fruitful and multiply," (v20) but only to mankind did he say, "Fill the earth, and subdue it."

7) a. "God said, “Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree, which bears fruit yielding seed. It will be your food." Only after the flood did God give all things to mankind to eat. "Every moving thing that lives will be food for you. As I gave you the green herb, I have given everything to you" Genesis 1:29 (WEB)

8) d. "On the seventh day God finished his work which he had done; and he rested on the seventh day." Genesis 2:2 (WEB)

9) c. "God created man in his own image. In God’s image he created him; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27 (WEB)

10) d. "Yahweh God formed man from the dust of the ground." Genesis 2:7 (WEB)

11) c. "Yahweh God made a woman from the rib which had taken from the man." Genesis 2:22 (WEB)

12) a. "Yahweh God made every tree... including the tree of life in the middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil." Some translations use the word "midst" instead of "middle." Genesis 2:9 (WEB)

For more fun Bible quizzes like this, visit www.HopeFromTheBible.com/bible-quizzes

About The AuthorJonathan Hostetler lives in southern Pennsylvania. He grew up in a strong Christian family, dedicated his life completely to Jesus at the age of 9, experienced a spiritual breakthrough at the age of 15, and is now in his mid twenties, joyfully serving Yahweh and sharing Yahweh's message of salvation and hope both on the internet and in person.
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